A downloadable game

This game was done for the 2024 Wolfjam Hackathon.

Match up against another player and represent either the goblins or hobgoblins, duking it out on the… dice table? This bizarre, medieval-style, goblin-laden party game has everything you need! Dice, quick-time-events, blood-feuds; what more could you want? The following controls are the key to beating your enemies (or friends turned enemies):

How to Play:

Each player holds half of the controller to match their respective goblin, and they roll their die or interact with quick-time-events using this scheme. Use your hands for IRL challenges.

Player 1: 

  • DPad Right - roll your die
  • DPad Directions(Up, Down, Left, Right) - used for interactive QTEs
  • LTrigger, LBumper - used for interactive QTEs when specified
  • Your Hands - IRL challenges

Player 2:

  • Right Face Button - roll your die
  • All Face Buttons (A, B, X, Y) - used for interactive QTEs
  • RTrigger, RBumper - used for interactive QTEs when specified
  • Your Hands - IRL Challenges

Win Condition

Both players’ goal is to be the first to roll the specified number of the die (“6” on a D6, for example), and do that a number of times to reach the winning score. The default winning score is 3 points, but this can be edited in the menu settings if players choose to do so. Along the way there are ways to hold your opponent back, and prevent them from winning before you, testing the players’ skills with such events.


Cameron "Swift" Drummond

Project Manager, Sound Design, Music Design, Gameplay Design

Cole Brazinski

Programming, Logic Design, Gameplay Development, Asset Implementation, Gameplay Design

Ben Conti

Programming, Logic Design, Gameplay Development, Gameplay Design

Cooper Hewison

Programming, Art Direction, Asset & Lighting Implementation, Music Design, Gameplay Design

AJ Lukan.

Art Direction, UI Design, Scene Design, Asset Implementation

Alex Ross

Art Direction, Sprite Creation, Asset Implementation

Nick Coppola

Documentation, Organization, Gameplay Planning

Dice asset by


Table asset by



Goblin Dice.7z 37 MB
Goblin Dice Music 11 MB

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